Category: Art & Culture

  • (Deutsch) Werners Index – das beliebte Latein-Wörterbuch ist wieder da!

    Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

  • A new picture

    Somehow the onrushing autumn didn’t make me feel autumnal, but wintry already. Thus – wrapped in a blanket, by candlelight and hot chocolate – I searched my Bob Ross episodes for a winter motive and then decided for the picture “Winter Sun”. Either this picture was easier to paint than the previous ones, or I have…

  • One small step for literature – one giant step for the ego!

    Tonight I attended the prize giving ceremony of the seventh Cologne short story competition that is annually hosted by the German department of the Cologne University and that I had participated in just for fun. After reflecting for weeks over what my story should be roughly about, I typed it down in two days at…

  • Peaceful Reflections

    That is the title of the third picture I painted under the guidance of Bob Ross. Sadly, I used the wrong type of red, so the coloring has become a little kitschy. The sky hasn’t turned out so well either, because it rather looks like a thick rainbow instead of a dawn or dusk sky.…

  • And spring again…

    Yes, spring is back, and as always, I can’t keep the finger off the trigger. Actually I had planned to have these pictures compiled and uploaded a week ago, but once again, I was a little slower than planned… However, now they’re just in time for the dance into May! ;) Have fun rummaging.

  • Ireland’s Eye

    I recently searched YouTube for the beautiful, calm little song by Mike Oldfield that I’ve had an earworm from for days, and I was appalled to find that nobody has uploaded it yet. Well, actually it is not even a song of its own, but the very silent end of “Orabidoo”, sung by Maggie Reilly. However, I…