CyanogenMod: Google account is not being synchronized
Shortly after I got my XPERIA Mini Pro, I installed CyanogenMod on it and have been quite satisfied with it. But as of a recent update – I don’t know which exactly – my accounts (like Google and Facebook) didn’t synchronize anymore. The sync icon in the options of the different accounts was greyed out,…
Netbeans keeps restarting after closing
Netbeans recently informed me that new updates were available. I clicked the “Update” button, unsuspectingly. When Netbeans finally restarted, it only popped up briefly and then closed again immediately. A moment later the splash screen appeared; Netbeans started again, closed again, and so on, until I forcefully terminated the process. Apparently this problem is caused…
Install Canon camera software without CD (Windows)
Whenever I’m traveling with my old Canon 350D and my likewise old Windows XP laptop, I face the same problem: I don’t have the Canon software installed on my laptop, and of course I don’t have the CD with me either. Who carries such things around with them all the time? “Well, that shouldn’t be a…
Sound stops in Flash videos (e.g. YouTube)
Lately I couldn’t watch any flash videos, for example on YouTube, neither on my Windows 7 computer nor on my old Windows XP laptop. Well, I could watch them – but every few seconds the sound would stop playing. I found out that several other people had this problem, too, and apparently it was caused…
Firefox doesn’t warn when closing multiple tabs
A few weeks ago, my mouse started to slowly conk out: It kept double-clicking unintentionally, so it frequently happened that, when I closed a program by clicking on the “X”, it would also close the window behind it. That was very annoying – especially because it very often hit my Firefox with 20 pages open,…
“View image” in Firefox 11
On March 13, a new Firefox version came out once again, namely version 11. Apart from the fact that I find their insanely small update intervals completely over the top – to me it seems like version 3.6 was only a few weeks ago – Mozilla now started to build in new “Annoyances” with each release,…