Category: Painting

  • A new picture

    Somehow the onrushing autumn didn’t make me feel autumnal, but wintry already. Thus – wrapped in a blanket, by candlelight and hot chocolate – I searched my Bob Ross episodes for a winter motive and then decided for the picture “Winter Sun”. Either this picture was easier to paint than the previous ones, or I have…

  • Peaceful Reflections

    That is the title of the third picture I painted under the guidance of Bob Ross. Sadly, I used the wrong type of red, so the coloring has become a little kitschy. The sky hasn’t turned out so well either, because it rather looks like a thick rainbow instead of a dawn or dusk sky.…

  • Opus two

    Today I created my second piece of art in oils, and I was totally amazed how much better it already worked although it was only my second attempt. But I could clearly notice that I had already gained some experience from the first picture. So this time I had at least a slight idea about…

  • “Happy little trees”

    Months ago I bought a little “painting starter kit” that was on special offer in the supermarket and, among a few canvases, also contained brushes, palette and acrylic paint. I rather wanted to paint with oil though, so I additionally bought some oil paints and a small bottle of linseed oil. Well, as I said,…