Date formatting with qTranslate
Almost a year ago I described here how I had managed to set up two different date formats for German and English in my WordPress theme. That’s why especially users of the plugin “qTranslate” ended up here frequently, because I had found a – rather muddled, but working – solution to show each language in…
April showers bring May flowers!
“Something’s different here… If only I knew what!” Did you feel the same when you entered this site today? If so: Congratulations, you got an extraordinarily good cognitive ability! As you can see, I have finally managed to create my very own WordPress theme after more than a year. The former variants were just modifications…
Blemish in WordPress plugin “FireStats”
Actually I didn’t want to write about this at all, but now I see that some people googled for the very same error message that I recently got from FireStats as well: Wrong parameter count for debug_backtrace() Obviously Google combed through my site just at the time when it was littered with that unlovely error…
JavaScript and CDATA sections in WordPress posts
In the context of the XHTML-conform embedding of Google Maps, I encountered two problems (again): When I tried to insert the JavaScript with the CDATA section, WordPress got under my feet with its usually so comfortable automatic formatting functions. The end marker /* ]]> */ suddenly became: /* ]]> */ A line in the file…
Highlighting admin comments in WordPress
Many WordPress users wish to visually highlight their own responses between the comments on a post, so that you recognize at the first glance which comments come from the site operator and which ones from normal visitors. So do I. A Google search revealed that it is most often being recommended to simply compare the…
Automatic updates in WordPress
With the release of WordPress 2.7 on 11th December, I was facing a problem: Manual plugin updates don’t seem to be provided for anymore. To date, I had always downloaded my plugins using the download link in the backend and then moved them to my server via FTP, because the automatic update had never worked for me…