Android emulator

Since, even in 2011, I still do not own a smartphone – I simply wouldn’t have enough use for it – I was never able to test the mobile versions of the websites I delevoped under realistic conditions. That was a problem, because nowadays it’s a matter of course that a website has to be well readable and easy to operate on a cell phone.

Then I found out that there is an emulator for the Android operating system, which is used by developers to test their self-written applications. I could use that for my websites, too, I thought. Unfortunately, in order to use the emulator you had to install quite some stuff, configure it, and then start it using a .jar file. I didn’t like that at all. I didn’t want to have to deal with all that. I wanted something very simple, something finished. So, I kept searching.

In a forum I found what I was looking for: Someone there had taken the time to configure said emulator and equipped it with an .exe file, so it’s all ready to use. But since there is an error in the .rar archive and you have to sign up in the forum in order to download the subsequently fixed .exe files, I repackaged everything again and uploaded it to my server for anyone interested:

Download Android Emulator

Note: When I first started it, “flight mode” was enabled by default, so the emulator had no connection at all and thus wasn’t able to open any websites. Once you disable flight mode in the options, everything works fine. By the way, you can rotate the “device” using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F11.

4 responses to “Android emulator”

  1. Ach nee, was für eine elegante und kostengünstige Lösung!! :D
    Nee, also, erstens boykottiere ich diese Produkte – und kann eigentlich immer noch nicht verstehen, wie Du als Freund von Open Source, Informationsfreiheit usw. Dich so dafür begeistern kannst.

    Und zweitens wollte ich ja gerade diesen SDK-Kram umgehen. ;) Bei Android muß man sich normalerweise auch das ganze SDK runterladen, weil da der Emulator drin ist. Aber gerade darauf hatte ich ja keine Lust. Prinzipiell ist es mir eh egal, mit welchem OS ich teste – mir geht’s nur um eine grobe Vorschau mit einigermaßen korrekten Größenverhältnissen. (Und mit Flash!!! :D)

  2. Ich durfte heute lernen, dass es sogar Unterschiede zwischen der CSS-Interpretation von Seiten auf iPad, iPhone und iPod gibt…
    Und ich dachte bisher, dass Mircosoft der fiese Internetstandardignorierer ist ;)

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