Tag: WordPress

  • Blemish in WordPress plugin “FireStats”

    Actually I didn’t want to write about this at all, but now I see that some people googled for the very same error message that I recently got from FireStats as well: Wrong parameter count for debug_backtrace() Obviously Google combed through my site just at the time when it was littered with that unlovely error…

  • Object not showing up in Firefox?

    When converting my site to XHTML, the WordPress plugin “WP GuestMap” posed another little obstacle. It is the plugin that I use on the “Visitors” page to display the world map with the hometowns of all visitors. Until now, I had implemented the map via IFrame. Although the plugin does offer a code snippet for…

  • JavaScript and CDATA sections in WordPress posts

    In the context of the XHTML-conform embedding of Google Maps, I encountered two problems (again): When I tried to insert the JavaScript with the CDATA section, WordPress got under my feet with its usually so comfortable automatic formatting functions. The end marker /* ]]> */ suddenly became: /* ]]> */ A line in the file…

  • Highlighting admin comments in WordPress

    Many WordPress users wish to visually highlight their own responses between the comments on a post, so that you recognize at the first glance which comments come from the site operator and which ones from normal visitors. So do I. A Google search revealed that it is most often being recommended to simply compare the…

  • Automatic updates in WordPress

    With the release of WordPress 2.7 on 11th December, I was facing a problem: Manual plugin updates don’t seem to be provided for anymore. To date, I had always downloaded my plugins using the download link in the backend and then moved them to my server via FTP, because the automatic update had never worked for me…

  • Large images in WordPress

    Yet another small, but annoying problem solved: Since sometime ago (allegedly since version 2.5 – I haven’t noticed it until 2.6), WordPress has started to scale all larger images, which were added in the editor by clicking “add image”, down to a width of 500 pixels. This will also happen, if you even chose “full size” in…